VSARA > Request

Other Requests

Corporation & Business Records

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Record Requests

Non-certified copies of archival public records in the Vermont State Archives are available at actual cost under Vermont's Public Records Acts. Charges for non-certified copies of archival records are calculated under the Uniform Schedule of Public Records Charges for State Agencies.

If you are a state records officer or liaison wishing to submit a record retrieval request for your agency or department's records stored in the State Records Center, please go to the State Records Center section of our website to submit your record retrieval request.

Certified Copies

By statute, the State Archivist has responsibilities to provide certified copies of certain public records upon request. Any record in the State Archives can also be certified as a true copy of the original record. Unless otherwise specified by statute, the fee is $5.00 for each certified copy issued. Records most commonly requested for certification include vital records* and student transcripts.

*The Vermont State Archives and Records Administration is an issuing agent for the Department of Health's Vital Records Office.

Division Director

Tanya Marshall
State Archivist & Chief Records Officer
1078 Route 2, Middlesex
Montpelier, Vermont 05633-7701
Main Line: 802-828-3700

Contact Information

Vermont State Archives & Records Administration

1078 Route 2, Middlesex

Montpelier, VT 05633-7701

Contact VSARA

Phone & Hours

Main Line: 802-828-3700

Fax: 802-828-3710

Office Hours: 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM, M-F

Reference Room: 9 AM to 4 PM, M-F

Closed State Holidays

Tanya Marshall, State Archivist & Director

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