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VCLAS Domains

Domains are "areas of accountability" defined by law. Several discrete activities may be carried out by two or more public agencies to address a domain. Recognizing the various activities surrounding a domain, and how they are related, is a key component of records and information management.

Note about Domains: Domains are identified and defined by the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration (VSARA) through the records appraisal and scheduling process. The list below is not a comprehensive list of domains and only includes domains that have been approved for use on record schedules. Agencies should refer to their record schedules for domain metadata assigned specifically to them, their business functions and their records. For agencies using general record schedules (GRS), the domain is missing and a formal records appraisal is required to assure records are properly classified, particularly if using an enterprise or statewide repository or system, including the State Archives Vaults, State Records Center, and VT Re•tain.


Authorized Term Definition Law or Regulation Code
Athletic training This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with athletic training. 26 V.S.A. § 4154 1230
Business names This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with business names, whether domestic or foreign, that are reserved, registered, or granted by or with the Secretary of State. 11 V.S.A. § 1621 1501
Businesses This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with trades, occupations, professions and other lawful purposes, whether or not carried on for profit. 11 V.S.A. § 3001 1498
Children and adolescents with severe emotional disturbance, Services for This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with children and adolescents with severe emotional disturbance 33 V.S.A. § 4301 1260
Children in need of care or supervision This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with children who have been abandoned or abused by their parent, guardian, or custodian; are without proper parental care or subsistence, education, medical, or other care necessary for their well-being; are without or beyond the control of their parent, guardian, or custodian; or are habitually and without justification truant from compulsory school attendance. 33 V.S.A. § 5102 1485
Civil actions This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with actions commenced pursuant to Rule 3 of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure. 12 V.S.A. § 1691a 1467
Classification plan This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the systematic arrangement of employment positions within state government into specific classes. 3 V.S.A. § 310 1297
Collective bargaining agreements This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the terms, tenure or conditions of employment between employers and representatives of employees with the intent to arrive at an agreement which, when reached, shall be reduced to writing. 3 V.S.A. § 902 1002
Collective bargaining mediation This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the process by which a mediator facilitates communication and negotiation between an employer and employee representatives to assist them in reaching an agreement regarding labor disputes. 3 V.S.A. § 925 1299
Collective bargaining mediators This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with individuals who facilitate communication and negotiation between an employer and employee representatives to assist them in reaching an agreement regarding labor disputes. 3 V.S.A. § 925 1300
Collective bargaining units This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the employees of an employer, being either all of the employees, the members of a department or agency or such other unit or units that are most appropriate to best represent the interest of employees. 3 V.S.A. § 902 1294
Contaminated properties This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with contaminated properties. 10 V.S.A. § 6615a 1019
Cooperative health statistics system This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with producing comparable and uniform health information and statistics and administering or be responsible for the administration of the statistical activities within the State under the System. 42 U.S.C. § 242k 1444
Crematory establishments This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with crematory establishments. 26 V.S.A. § 1213 1197
Designated agencies This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with agencies designated by the State of Vermont pursuant to 18 V.S.A. § 8907 to oversee, provide and ensure the delivery of services and/or service authorizations for eligible individuals with developmental disabilities in a geographic area of the state. CVR 13-110-011 1268
Developmental disabilities This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with a severe, chronic disability of a person that is manifested before the person reaches the age of 18 and results in mental retardation, autism, or pervasive developmental disorder; and deficits in adaptive behavior at least two standard deviations below the mean for a normative comparison group. 18 V.S.A. § 8722 1380
Developmental disability services This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with services and programs for individuals with a developmental disability. 18 V.S.A. § 8722 1355
Disabilities, aging, and independent living services This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with services and supports designed to assist older Vermonters and Vermonters with disabilities to live as independently as they choose and as their personal circumstances permit. 33 V.S.A. § 501 1393
Electroconvulsive therapy This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with electroconvulsive therapy. 18 V.S.A. § 7408 1289
Employee grievances This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with an employee's, group of employees', or the employee's collective bargaining representative's expressed dissatisfaction with aspects of employment or working conditions under collective bargaining agreement or the discriminatory application of a rule or regulation. 3 V.S.A. § 902 1301
Employees This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any person who may be permitted, required or directed by any employer, in consideration of direct or indirect gain or profit, to perform services. 21 V.S.A. § 495d 1304
Facilities This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with a residential care home, nursing home, assisted living residence, home for persons who are terminally ill, or therapeutic community residence licensed or required to be licensed 33 V.S.A. § 7102 1785
Foreclosure of mortgages and judgment liens This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the foreclosure of mortgages and judgment liens pursuant to V.R.C.P. Rule 80.1. V.R.C.P. 80.1 1479
Health care systems This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the local, State, regional, or national system of delivering health services, including administrative costs, capital expenditures, preventive care, and wellness services. 18 V.S.A. § 9373 1600
Historic preservation This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the research, protection, restoration and rehabilitation of buildings, structures, objects, districts, areas, and sites significant in the history, architecture, archeology or culture of Vermont, its communities or the nation. 22 V.S.A. § 701 1387
Historic properties or resources This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any building, structure, object, district, area or site that is significant in the history, architecture, archeology or culture of this state, its communities or the nation. 10 V.S.A. § 303 1386
Home study programs This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with educational programs offered through home study which provide a minimum course of study and are limited to children residing in that home; and children not residing in that home who either are two or fewer in number or who are from one family. 16 V.S.A. § 11 1562
Hospital budgets This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with general hospital budgets which are consistent with the health resource allocation plan. 18 V.S.A. § 9456 1527
Information technology activities This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the creation, collection, processing, storage, management, transmission, or conversion of electronic data, documents, or records; and the design, construction, purchase, installation, maintenance, or operation of systems, including both hardware and software, which perform these activities. 3 V.S.A. § 2222 1247
Infrastructure This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with public and private buildings, roads, and public works, including public and private buildings; State and municipal highways and roads; bridges; sidewalks and other traffic enhancements; culverts; private roads; public and private utility construction, State and municipal public works, cemeteries, and public parks and fields. 10 V.S.A. § 1422 1601
Insurance rates This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the cost of insurance per exposure base unit, or cost per unit of insurance, prior to the application of individual risk variations based upon loss or expense considerations. 8 V.S.A. § 4683 1522
Involuntary medication This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the administration of psychiatric medication without the voluntary consent of an individual. 18 V.S.A. § 7624 1279
Involuntary treatment This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the administration of medical treatment without the voluntary consent of an individual. 18 V.S.A. § 7612 1287
Land development This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the division of a parcel into two or more parcels, the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any building or other structure, or of any mining, excavation, or landfill, and any change in the use of any building or other structure, or land, or extension of use of land. 24 V.S.A. § 4303 1482
Lead hazards This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any condition that causes exposure to lead inside and in the immediate vicinity of target housing from water, dust, soil, paint, or building materials that would result in adverse human health effects. 18 V.S.A. § 1751 1513
Legislative leave This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with leaves of absence granted to individuals who serve in the general assembly. 21 V.S.A. § 496 1302
Liquor distribution system This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the distribution of liquor in the State of Vermont. 7 V.S.A. § 106 1490
Mental health care providers This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any person, corporation, facility or institution certified or licensed by the state to provide mental health care services, including but not limited to a physician, a nurse with recognized psychiatric specialties, hospital or other health care facility, psychologist, clinical social worker, mental health counselor, alcohol or drug abuse counselor, or an employee or agent of such provider acting in the course and scope of employment or an agency related to mental health care services. 8 V.S.A. § 4089a 1263
Mental health care services This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with acts of diagnosis, treatment, evaluation or advice or any other acts permissible under the health care laws of Vermont, whether performed in an outpatient or an institutional setting, and includes alcohol and drug abuse treatment. CVR 21-040-027 1262
Mental health hospitals This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with a public or private hospital or facility or part thereof, equipped and otherwise qualified to provide in-patient care and treatment for the mentally ill. 18 V.S.A. § 7101 1288
Mental health patients This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with a resident of or person in Vermont qualified for hospitalization or treatment as a mentally ill individual. 18 V.S.A. § 7101 1282
Mobile home parks This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any parcels of land under single or common ownership or control which contains, or is designed, laid out, or adapted to accommodate, more than two mobile homes. 10 V.S.A. § 6201 1465
Motor trucks This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any motor vehicles designed primarily for the transportation of property including truck tractor-semitrailer and truck tractor-semitrailer-trailer combinations. 23 V.S.A. § 4 1510
Motor vehicles This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with all vehicles propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power, except farm tractors, vehicles running only upon stationary rails or tracks, motorized highway building equipment, road making appliances, snowmobiles, or tracked vehicles or electric personal assistive mobility devices. 23 V.S.A. § 4 1509
Offenders This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any person convicted of a crime or offense under the laws of this State, and, for purposes of work crew, a person found in civil contempt under 15 V.S.A. § 603. 28 V.S.A. § 3 1492
Parole This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the release of an inmate to the community by the parole board before the end of the inmate's sentence subject to conditions imposed by the board and subject to the supervision and control of the Department of Corrections. 28 V.S.A. § 402 1430
Payroll This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with payroll transactions. 3 V.S.A. § 2281 1009
Person in need of guardianship This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with adults who are unable to manage, without the supervision of a guardian, some or all aspects of their personal or financial affairs as a result of significantly subaverage intellectual functioning which exists concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior; or a physical or mental condition that results in significantly impaired cognitive functioning which grossly impairs judgment, behavior, or the capacity to recognize reality. 14 V.S.A. § 3061 1321
Person in need of treatment This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with individuals suffering from mental illness and whose capacity to exercise self-control, judgment or discretion in the conduct of his or her affairs and social relations is so lessened that he or she poses a danger of harm to himself, to herself, or to others. 18 V.S.A. § 7101 1286
Potable water supply and wastewater systems This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with potable water supply and wastewater systems. 10 V.S.A. § 1973 1011
Professional services This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with personal services rendered to the public which requires as a condition precedent to the rendering of such service the obtaining of a license or other legal authorization. 11 V.S.A. § 801 1181
Psychoanalytic services This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with psychoanalytic services. 26 V.S.A. § 4054 1219
Public bodies This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any board, council or commission of the state or one or more of its political subdivisions, any board, council or commission of any agency, authority or instrumentality of the state or one or more of its political subdivisions, or any committee of any of the foregoing boards, councils or commissions, except that "public body" does not include councils or similar groups established by the governor for the sole purpose of advising the governor with respect to policy. 3 V.S.A. § 310 1493
Public funds This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with monies under the jurisdiction or control of the State or any agency, board, committee, department, branch, instrumentality, commission, or authority of any political subdivision of the State. [Artificial definition. Public funds are often cited but not defined in Vermont Statutes Annotated.] 1 V.S.A. § 271 1633
Public records This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with written or recorded information, regardless of physical form or characteristics, which is produced or acquired in the course of public agency business. 1 V.S.A. § 317 1027
Public utilities This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any pipe line, gas, electric, heat, water, oil, sewer, telephone, telegraph, radio, railway, railroad, airplane, transportation, communication or other system, by whomsoever owned or operated for public use. 13 V.S.A. § 3431 1333
Public water systems This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any system, or combination of systems owned or controlled by a person, which provides drinking water through pipes or other constructed conveyances to the public; any part of a piped system which does not provide drinking water, if use of such a part could affect the quality or quantity of the drinking water supplied by the system; or a system which bottles drinking water for public distribution and sale. 10 V.S.A. § 1672 1025
Ratepayers This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with any individual, group, corporation, cooperative, partnership, firm, association or other entity or organization receiving or entitled to receive service from a utility. CVR 30-000-001 1457
Real property This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with land, structures, franchises and interests in land, waters, land under water, riparian rights and air rights and any and all things and rights included within said terms. Includes not only fees simple absolute but any and all lesser interests including but not limited to easements, rights-of-way, uses, leases, licenses and all other incorporeal hereditaments and every estate, interest or right, legal or equitable, including terms for years and liens thereon by way of judgments, mortgages or otherwise. 29 V.S.A. § 701 1235
School construction projects This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the construction of a school building, renovation or alteration of an existing school building or purchase of a school building for which a school board may seek a grant of financial aid pursuant to 16 V.S.A. §3448. A construction aid project may include the purchase and installation of relocatable units, provided such units meet the minimum standards applicable to permanently constructed educational spaces. 16 V.S.A. § 3448 1506
State employee indemnification This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the indemnification of state employees. 12 V.S.A. § 5606 1307
State land use and development plans This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with State land use and development plans. 10 V.S.A. § 6001 1185
State lands This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with all state-owned lands inside or outside the state, including the state-owned lands under the water of Lake Champlain or any other waters. 29 V.S.A. § 503 1254
State Offices This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the Offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, Auditor of Accounts, and Attorney General. 17 V.S.A. § 2103 1644
Substitute addresses This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the Secretary of State's designated address for the Address Confidentiality Program. 15 V.S.A. § 1151 1573
Taxes This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with interest, fees, and penalties due under any taxing statute and liability for the interest, fees, and penalties due under a taxing statute of another state. 32 V.S.A. § 3201 1570
Telecommunications network This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with Vermont's telecommunication network. Executive Order No. 30-9 (No. 08-06) 1248
Telecommunications services This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the electronic transmission, conveyance, or routing of voice, data, audio, video, or any other information or signals to a point, or between or among points. 32 V.S.A. § 9701 1449
Transportation network This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with Vermont's transportation network. 19 V.S.A. § 10g 1240
Unfair labor practices This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with the conduct of employers, employees, and/or labor organizations that is prohibited by law. 21 V.S.A. § 1621 1298
Voters This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with an individual who is qualified to vote in an election in this state or a political subdivision of this state, and whose name is registered on the checklist of a political subdivision of the state. 17 V.S.A. § 2103 1319
Vulnerable adults This domain is reserved for activities and tasks associated with people 18 years of age or older who are residents of a facility required to be licensed under state law; are residents of a psychiatric hospital or a psychiatric unit of a hospital; have been receiving personal care services for more than one month from a home health agency certified by the Vermont department of health or from a person or organization that offers, provides, or arranges for personal care; or regardless of residence or whether any type of service is received, are impaired due to brain damage, infirmities of aging, or a physical, mental, or developmental disability. 33 V.S.A. § 6902 1523



VSARA Records Specialists
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