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VCLAS Activities

There are thousands of specific tasks performed by public employees during the normal course of business to meet their agencies' core functions and responsibilities. While the overall function or context for every task varies from agency to agency and department to department, the actual activities are not necessarily different. Below is a list of common government activities.

Note about Activities: Activities are identified and defined by the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration (VSARA) through the record appraisal and scheduling process. The list below is not a comprehensive list of activities and only includes activities that have been approved for use on record schedules. Agencies should refer to their record schedules for activity metadata assigned specifically to them, their business functions and their records.


Authorized Term Definition Code
Accounting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the system of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the results. 1002
Acquiring This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with obtaining ownership of an asset through purchase or gift. 1114
Adjudicating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with hearing and settling claims or complaints by a judicial or administrative body. 1108
Administrating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with directing the business affairs and human and material resources of an organization, project, or enterprise, involving primarily the formulation of policy. 1102
Admitting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with providing the right or a means of entrance. 1138
Advising This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with giving advice or offering counsel or recommendations. 1003
Appointing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with naming to or placing in an office or position. 1004
Arbitrating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the settlement of disputes, especially between labor and management, by a neutral party authorized to appraise the facts and arguments and make a decision binding upon the disputants. Distinguished from "mediation" in which a neutral party proposes a solution but has no authority to make a binding decision. 1097
Assessing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with officially saying what the amount, value or rate of something is; taxing or charging someone or something; and/or requiring a person, business, etc. to pay a particular amount of money. 1170
Authenticating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with determining the legitimacy of a document or other artifact, or validating a document, as done by an authorized person. 1106
Budgeting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with planning, coordinating, and allocating financial resources and expenditures. 1012
Certifying This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with officially attesting that something is valid or meets a standard, or, with regard to people, that a standard degree of qualification has been met. 1107
Condemning This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the condemnation of private property by a public authority for public use using the powers and legal procedures of eminent domain. 1116
Consulting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with providing of advice and sometimes other services by professionals in the field of their special expertise. 1020
Contracting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the entering of two or more legally competent parties into a binding agreement to do or not to do something, subject to specified terms and conditions. 1126
Developing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with growing something to a later or more advanced or expanded stage. 1153
Disciplining This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with applying corrective actions or imposing penalties for unsatisfactory or unprofessional performances. 1075
Employing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the ongoing activity of providing individuals with and paying them for work. For the action of engaging the services of a person or persons for wages or other payment, use "hiring." 1032
Enforcing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with ensuring compliance with laws or regulations. 1033
Evaluating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with determining the significance, worth, or condition by careful appraisal or study. 1098
Extraditing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with giving up or delivering an individual to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority. 1161
Granting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the transfer of funds from a government body or private foundation to another unit of government or private individual for a project deemed in the public interest. 1110
Hiring This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with engaging the services of a person or persons for wages or other payment. For the ongoing activity of providing individuals with and paying them for work, use "employing." For the concept of the degree or extent of the provision or availability of paid work to the population, use "employment." 1045
Identifying This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with recognizing or establishing someone or something as being a particular person or thing. 1099
Inspecting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with examining or reviewing officially. 1101
Investigating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with examining the particulars in an attempt to learn the facts about something hidden, unique, or complex. 1100
Leasing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with granting use or occupation of property under the terms of a contract. 1127
Lending This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with giving money on condition that it is returned and that interest is paid for its temporary use. 1157
Licensing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with granting authority to an individual or group to exercise a certain privilege that, without such authorization, would constitute an illegal act, a trespass, or a tort. 1059
Litigating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with taking legal action or carrying on an action by judicial process. 1113
Maintaining This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with keeping a structure, machine, process, and system in a condition of good repair or efficiency. 1121
Managing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with controlling the business affairs and human and material resources of an organization, project, or enterprise, involving primarily the application rather than the formulation of policy. 1103
Marketing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with promoting for sale goods or services. 1062
Monitoring This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with observing and collecting information about something over time or distance for some specific purpose. 1063
Operating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with controlling the functioning of a structure, machine, process, and system. 1120
Pardoning This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the action of an executive official of the government that mitigates or sets aside the punishment for a crime. 1160
Permitting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with authorizing an individual or group to take some specific action. 1104
Planning This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with selecting short- and long-term objectives and the drawing up of tactical and strategic plans to achieve those objectives, especially in a formal project proposal or scheme. Includes project scoping./td> 1067
Prosecuting This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the commencement and continuance of legal actions, especially criminal proceedings. 1129
Publishing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with issuing printed, taped, or otherwise reproduced records of knowledge in any medium for sale or distribution to the public. 1074
Recording This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with entering a transaction in a book of public records, notably instruments affecting the title to real property. 1077
Registering This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the formal or official recording of items, names, or actions. 1109
Regulating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with controlling according to rules, laws, or requirements. 1080
Releasing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with discharging people from an institution, enterprise, or obligation. 1081
Remediating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the act or process of correcting a fault or deficiency. Includes corrective action to clean up an environmentally contaminated site to eliminate contamination or reduce the amount to an acceptable level. 1130
Representing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with serving as the official and authorized delegate or agent for another person or organization. 1156
Reviewing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with going over or examining critically or deliberately. 1105
Rulemaking This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the process used to adopt, amend or appeal a procedure or rule pursuant to the Vermont Administrative Procedure Act. 1128
Securing This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with guarding from danger or risk of loss. 1155
Supervising This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with observing and directing the execution of a task or activity or the work of someone. Also includes watching over someone in the interest of their or others' security. 1088
Terminating This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with concluding or discontinuing an activity, program, or job position. 1091
Training This activity type is reserved for tasks associated with the act, process, or art of imparting knowledge and skill. 1093



VSARA Records Specialists
Main Line: 802-828-3700

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Vermont State Archives & Records Administration

1078 Route 2, Middlesex

Montpelier, VT 05633-7701

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Main Line: 802-828-3700

Fax: 802-828-3710

Office Hours: 7:45 AM to 4:30 PM, M-F

Reference Room: 9 AM to 4 PM, M-F

Closed State Holidays

Tanya Marshall, State Archivist & Director

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