Record Series: | PRA-005 |
Container Number: | PRA-00030 |
Description of File Contents | Date Range | File ID |
Rural-urban relations: clippings | 1928 - 1930 | 28 |
Religious forces: correspnodence with Josephine Brown secretary of the sub-committee on rural social work | 1930 - 1930 | 11 |
Religious forces: originals of case studies on religious indifference | 1930 - 1930 | 02 |
Rural home and community life: correspondence | 1929 - 1931 | 19 |
Rural government: rurla public finance correspndence | 1928 - 1929 | 18 |
Rural government: rural public finance clippings | 1928 - 1933 | 17 |
Religious forces: graphes and surveys | 1929 - 1930 | 16 |
Religious forces: pamphlets | 1928 - 1931 | 14 - 15 |
Rural home and community life: minutes | 1929 - 1930 | 21 |
Relligious forces: Federated Church Work by Florence B. Chase | 1930 - 1930 | 12 |
Rural home and community life: clippings | 1929 - 1930 | 22 |
Religious forces: correspondence with Bishop Samuel B. Booth | 1929 - 1931 | 10 |
Religious forces: correspondence | 1929 - 1931 | 09 |
Religious forces: correspondence with the Institute of Social and Religious Research | 1930 - 1931 | 08 |
Religious forces: clippings | 1928 - 1931 | 07 |
Religious forces: letters from ministers | 1930 - 1930 | 06 |
Relgious forces: summary of answers by clergy and laymen | 1930 - 1930 | 05 |
Relgious forces: letters by Richie Low to clergy and laymen | 1930 - 1930 | 04 |
Religious forces: Sunday school material | 1930 - 1931 | 13 |
Rural-urban relations: correspondence | 1929 - 1931 | 32 |
Rural-urban relations: clippings | 1928 - 1931 | 40 |
Rural-urban relations: minutes | 1929 - 1930 | 39 |
Rural-urban relations: minutes, outlines and reports | 1930 - 1931 | 38 |
Rural-urban relations: Senator Walter Crockett, Executive Secretary correspondence | 1929 - 1931 | 37 |
Rural-urban relations: Pearl Brown correspondence with Walter Crockett and tourist pamphlets | 1928 - 1930 | 36 |
Rural-urban relations: Pearl Brown's report and radio talk | 1929 - 1930 | 35 |
Rural home and community life: field schedules | 1931 - 1931 | 20 |
Rural-urban relations: committee report | 1930 - 1931 | 33 |
Religious forces: Episcopal case studies of religious indifference | 1930 - 1930 | 01 |
Rural-urban relations: guide to literature of rural life | 1929 - 1929 | 31 |
Rural-urban relations: minutes | 1930 - 1930 | 30 |
Rural-urban relations: Uncovering a Variet Market and Covering It (survey) | 1929 - 1929 | 29 |
Rural home and community life: recreation subcommittee on Boy Scouts | 1931 - 1931 | 27 |
Rural home and community life: recreation subcommittee community houses in Vermont | 1931 - 1931 | 25 |
Rural home and community life: recreation subcommittee correspondence | 1929 - 1931 | 24 |
Rural home and community life: living standards | 1928 - 1931 | 23 |
Summer residence and tourists: correspondence | 1929 - 1931 | 34 |
Rural home and community life: recreation subcommittee clippings | 1927 - 1931 | 26 |
Religious forces: list of ministers | 1930 - 1930 | 03 |
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