Record Series: | PRA-005 |
Container Number: | PRA-00029 |
Description of File Contents | Date Range | File ID |
Religious forces: What is in the Minds of Those Who are Not in the Church | 1930 - 19300 | 58 |
Religious forces: minutes November 1929 | 1929 - 1929 | 46 |
Religious forces: Student Pastors' conference Fletcher Farm | 1930 - 1931 | 56 |
Medical facilties: clippings | 1928 - 1932 | 34 |
Medical facilties: Income from Medical Practice by R.G. Leland, M.D. | 1931 - 1931 | 35 |
Medical facilties: The Frontier Nursing Service by Annie Winslow | 1932 - 1932 | 36 |
Medical facilties: Cost of Medical Care by Lee K. Frankel, PhD | 1929 - 1929 | 37 |
Medical facilties: The First Two Years' Work of the Committee on the Cost of Medical Care | 1929 - 1929 | 38 |
Medical facilities: The Extent of Illness and of Physical and Mental Defects Prevailing in the United States by Alden B. Mills | 1929 - 1929 | 39 |
Medical facilties: A Survey of Statistical Data on Medical Facilities in the United States by Allon Peebles | 1929 - 1929 | 40 |
Medical facilities: Hospital Service for Patients of Moderate Means - a Study of Certain American Hospitals by Niles Carpenter, PhD | 1929 - 1929 | 41 |
Medical facilities: The Cancer Program of Massachusetts by George H. Bigelow, M.D. | 1930 - 1930 | 42 |
Medical faciltiies: The Amount of Life Insurance in the United State by Mary Dublin | 1932 - 1932 | 43 |
Medical faciltiies: field schedules | 1930 - 1930 | 43 |
Medical facilties: faciltiies in rural Vermont | 1929 - 1930 | 32 |
Religious forces: minutes April 1929 | 1929 - 1929 | 45 |
Medical facilities: rural health committee on the cost of medical care, correspondence | 1929 - 1930 | 31 |
Religious forces: minutes November 1930 | 1930 - 1930 | 47 |
Religious forces: Hooker report "Old Areas--Hilly, Where the Road Meets the Hill" | 1931 - 1931 | 48 |
Religious forces: The Catholic Church in Vermont reports | 1930 - 1930 | 49 |
Religious forces: Survey of the Protestant Churches of Addison County by Rev. H.C. Bennett | 1930 - 1930 | 50 |
Religious forces: Religious Survey of the Town of Colchester by Rev. A. Ritchie Low | 1930 - 1930 | 51 |
Religious forces: Montpelier area church survey November 1930 | 1930 - 1930 | 52 |
Religious forces: church conference in Lamoille County July 1929 | 1929 - 1929 | 53 |
Religious forces: A Rural Preacher with a New Message by Katerine Atherton Grimes | 1929 - 1929 | 54 |
Religious forces: correspondence with Interseminary Commission for Training for the Rural Ministry | 1929 - 1930 | 55 |
Religious forces address by John A. Shirley "The Expansion of Social and Religious Activities in Rural Communites" May 1928 | 1928 - 1928 | 57 |
Religious forcoes: Baptist case studies on religious indifference | 1930 - 1930 | 59 |
Religious forces: Congregations case studies of non-church goers | 1930 - 1930 | 60 |
Religious forces: Methodist case studies of non-church goers | 1930 - 1930 | 61 |
Religious forces: statistics on church membership | 1926 - 1926 | 44 |
Human factor: correspondence | 1925 - 1929 | 16 |
Human factor: address to Vermont dairymen's wives | 1930 - 1930 | 02 |
Human factor: correspondence with L. Josephine Webster, Vermont Children's Aid Society general secretary | 1929 - 1931 | 03 |
Human factor: Mary Bolton correspondence on social | 1929 - 1930 | 04 |
Human factor: Henry C. Taylor publicity | 1929 - 1930 | 05 |
Human factor: S.C.A.A. (State Charitities Aid Association) news | 1930 - 1930 | 06 |
Human factor: Publication and studies | 1928 - 1932 | 07 |
Human factor: Population studies | 1930 - 1930 | 08 |
Human factor: Decline in population graphs 1790 - 1920 | 1930 - 1930 | 09 |
Human factor: Subcommittee on population minutes | 1930 - 1930 | 10 |
Human factor: Paul Moody, chaiman of the committee on the human factor | 1929 - 1931 | 11 |
Human factor: Field schedules - questionnaires for survey | 1929 - 1930 | 12 |
Human factor: Tentative outline for program of the committee | 1926 - 1929 | 13 |
Medical facilties:correspondence | 1928 - 1930 | 33 |
Human factor: emigrants - Vermonters | 1929 - 1929 | 15 |
Human factor: Vermont counties poor relief tabulations | 1926 - 1926 | 23 |
Medical facilities: medical care | 1928 - 1928 | 30 |
Land utilization: acreage and production of farms by size | 1930 - 1930 | 29 |
Land utilization: value of land and building expenditure Grand Isle - Windsor county | 1930 - 1930 | 28 |
Land utilization: value of land and building expenditure Addison - Franklin county | 1930 - 1930 | 27 |
Land utilization: minutes | 1929 - 1934 | 26 |
Human factor: minutes | 1929 - 1929 | 14 |
Human factor: Study of Poor Relief by Overseers in Forty-two Towns | 1930 - 1930 | 24 |
Human factor: clippings | 1928 - 1931 | 01 |
Human factor: H.D. Pearl population study | 1930 - 1930 | 22 |
Human factor: committee records | 1929 - 1931 | 21 |
Human factor: subcomittee on population correspondence | 1929 - 1929 | 20 |
Human factor: Genieve Lamson research | 1929 - 1931 | 19 |
Human factor: correspondence with Genieve Lamson regarding her research | 1929 - 1930 | 18 |
Human factor: statistics - populations | 1930 - 1930 | 17 |
Land utilization: corresondence, studies and pamphlets | 1929 - 1934 | 25 |
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