Record Series: | PRA-005 |
Container Number: | PRA-00027 |
Description of File Contents | Date Range | File ID |
Poor relief survey - Washington county | 1928 - 1929 | 22 - 23 |
New York Act to Amend te Public Welfare Law | 1930 - 1930 | 13 |
Draft of Study of Aid Rendered to Forty-Two Towns by Certain Public and Private Institutions | 1930 - 1933 | 14 |
Study of Aid Rendered to Forty-Two Towns by Certain Public and Private Institutions | 1928 - 1931 | 15 |
Lund home survey | 1930 - 1930 | 17 |
Poor relief survey - Addison county | 1928 - 1929 | 19 |
Laws of Wisconsin Realting to the Charitable, Curative, Reformative and Penal Institutions and Agenies | 1930 - 1930 | 12 |
Poor relief survey - Sheldon poor house | 1929 - 1929 | 21 |
Correspondence | 1929 - 1930 | 16 |
Poor relief survey - Franklin county | 1928 - 1931 | 20 |
Massachusetts Reports of the Commission on Pensions | 1925 - 1925 | 05 |
County Organization for Child Care and Protection | 1922 - 1922 | 01 |
Soclicited material | 1929 - 1929 | 18 |
Making Home-Makers at Sleighton Farm | 1929 - 1929 | 11 |
State of New Jersey Act for the Settlement and Relief of the Poor | 1924 - 1924 | 04 |
Standards of Public Aid to Children in their Own Homes | 1923 - 1923 | 02 |
Public Child-Caring Work in Certain Counties of Minnesota, North Carolina, and New York | 1927 - 1927 | 06 |
Some American Almhouses: a Study | 1927 - 1927 | 07 |
The New Spirt of an Old Farm | 1928 - 1928 | 08 |
The Health of Workers in Dusty Trades | 1929 - 1929 | 09 |
Care of Juvenile Delinquents in Pennsyvlania | 1929 - 1929 | 10 |
State Commissions for the Study and Revision of Child Welfare laws | 1924 - 1924 | 03 |
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