Vermont State Archives & Records Administration

File Content

Record Series:PRA-005
Container Number:PRA-00020

Description of File Contents Date Range File ID
Scheme for Investigation of Psychic Autoamnese1917 - 1917 16
Report of a Mental Hygiene Survey of New York County Jails and Penitentiaries1924 - 1924 10
Patients in Hospitals for Mental Disease1923 - 1923 14
Expectations of Mental Disease1928 - 1928 13
The Massachusetts Laws Relating to Insane Persons and Other Classes Under the Supervision of the Department of Mental Diseases1922 - 1922 12
Patients in Hospitals for Mental Disease1923 - 1923 11
A Please for Greater Frankness in Dealing with Those Who are Mentally Sick, 1923; The Social Significance of Dementia Praecox, 1921922 - 1923 15
Habit Clinics for Children of the Pre-School Age, 1923; Childhood: The Golden Period for Mental Hygiene, 1925; Parent-Teacher Packets1923 - 1925 09
The Mentally Hygiene Aspects of Illegitimacy, 1923; Outline for a State Society of Mental Hygiene, 1921; Underlying Concepts in Mental Hygiene, 1922; The Possibilities of a State Society for Mental Hygiene, 19211921 - 1922 08
The Mental Hygiene Movement1923 - 1923 07
What the State Hospital Can Do in Mental Hygiene1920 - 1920 05
Monthly Bulletin - Massachusetts Society for Mental Hygiene1928 - 1928 03
Disobedience, Lying, Stealing, Environment, 1926; Some Undesirable Habits and Suggestions as to Treatment1925 - 1926 01
Census of State Hospitals for Mental Disease: 19261929 - 1929 19
The Place of Mentally Hygiene in the Schools1923 - 1923 06
Interviews - A Study of the Methods of Analyzing and Recording Social Case Work Interviews1928 - 1928 46
Mental Differences in Certain Immigrant Groups1922 - 1922 38
A Study of the Upper Limits of the Development of Intelligence1924 - 1924 39
Behavioristic Attitude, 1922; Mental Mechanisms, 1921; Foster-Child Fantasy, 1920; Psychology as a Factor in the Practice of Medicine, 1923; Bearings of Psychology on Social Case Work, 1922; Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, 19221920 - 1923 40
Tomorrow: A Plan for Building a Child Welfare Program for Pennsylvania1929 - 1929 41
Carnegie Corporation of New York: Report of the President and Treasurer1932 - 1934 42
Which Way?1930 - 1930 43
The State Hospital in Relation to Public Health, 1921; Community Responsibilities in the Treatment of Mental Disorders, 1922; The Mental Health of the Community and the Work of the Psychiatric Dispensary, 19201920 - 1922 17
Social Process Papers - Publication of the American Sociological Society1932 - 1932 45
Various pamphlets from the pamphlet library: Mental Hygiene and Mental Defectiveness1923 - 1925 35
Proceedings of the Fifth Institute of Municipal and State Affairs1933 - 1933 47
Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly1934 - 1935 48
Milbank Memorial Fund Annual Report1934 - 1934 49
An Adventure in Child Welfare - Child Welfare in Pennsylvania1929 - 1929 50
Pennsylvnia's Ten Year Program for Children, 1930 - 19401930 - 1930 51
A Changing Psychology in Social Work1931 - 1931 52
Health and the Depression, Milbank Memorial Fund1933 - 1933 53
Social Science Research Council Annual Report1934 - 1934 44
Department of Commerce - Institutions for Feeble-Minded and Epileptics1923 - 1926 28
Mental Health is Procurable1922 - 1922 02
Colony and Parole Care for Dependents and Defectives1923 - 1923 20
Social Control of the Feebleminded: a Study of Social Programs and Attitudes in Relation to the Problem of Mental Deficiency1923 - 1923 21
Histories of 79 Feebleminded Girls Under Supervision in the Community, 1923; Mental Defect in a Southern State: Report of the Georgia Commission on Feeblemindedness and the Survey of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, 19191919 - 1923 22
American Association for the Study of the Feebleminded Proceedings and Addresses of the Forty-fourth Annual Session1930 - 1930 23
Mental Defectives in the District of Columbia1915 - 1915 24
The Mentally Retarded Child in the Public Schools1923 - 1923 25
Influence of Affective Disturbances on Responses to the Stanford-Binet Test1922 - 1922 37
Feeble-Minded and Epileptics in Institutions1923 - 1923 27
State of New York Department of Mental Hygiene Official Directory1927 - 1927 36
Regulations for Determining the Number of Children Three years Retarded in Mental Development, 1919; Colony and Parole Care for Dependents and Defectives, 1923; House At 170 of Massachusetts, 19231923 - 1923 29
Cards Used to Report Examinations Made by Travelling Psychiatric Clinics in Massachusetts Schools; The Clinical Organization of the State Institution for Mental Defectives1923 - 1923 30
Feeblemindedness, 1924; Endocrine Therapy in Mental Deficiency, 1922; A State Program for the care of the Mental Defective, 1923; The Type of Feebleminded Who Can be Cared for in the Community, 1922; Backward and Defective Children, 19231922 - 1924 31
One Hundred Institutionally Trained Male Defectives in the Community Under Supervision, 1922; State Care, Training, and Education of Mental Defectives, 1922; The Inauguration of a Statewide Public School Mental Clinic in Massachusetts 19241924 - 1924 32
Endocrine Imbalance and Metal Deficiency, 1922; Nervous and Mental Disease as a Problem in Public Health, 1922; State of New York Sixth Annual Report of the State Commission for Mental Defectives, 19251922 - 1925 33
Hospital Social Services, 1923; School and Society, 1923; The Extent of Illness and of Physical and Mental Defects Prevailing in the United States, 1929; Surveys of the Needs for Special Schools and Classes in Westchester County New York, 19241923 - 1929 34
Biennial Report of the Brattleboro Retreat of the State of Vermont1930 - 1930 18
The Feebleminded in New York, 1911; A Social Study of Mental Defectives in new Castle County, Delaware1917 - 1917 26
Nervousness: Its Causes and Prevention1924 - 1924 04

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