Vermont State Archives & Records Administration

File Content

Record Series:A-352
Container Number:A352-00157

Description of File Contents Date Range File ID
Administration bill reviews, H.531 Reorganizing the Agency of Human Services, 20052005 - 2005 89
Administration bill reviews, H.373 Orders against stalking or sexual assault; no contact orders, and establishing a victims' rights study committee, 20062006 - 2006 59
Administration bill reviews, H.876 Management of exposure to mercury, 20062006 - 2006 148
Administration bill reviews, H.875 Approval of amendments of the charter of the village of Jacksonville, 20062006 - 2006 147
Administration bill reviews, H.874 Sentencing for first and second degree murders, 20062006 - 2006 146
Administration bill reviews, H.873 Procedural protections for Vermonters eligible for Medicare Part D and VPHARM, 20062006 - 2006 145
Administration bill reviews, H.871 Professions and occupations, 20062006 - 2006 144
Administration bill reviews, H.532 Solid waste facility fees, taxes, and certification, 20052005 - 2005 90
Administration bill reviews, H.530 Amending the charter of the town of Bennington, 20052005 - 2005 88
Administration bill reviews, H.352 Interstate insurance product regulation compact, 20052005 - 2005 58
Administration bill reviews, H.287 Long-term care insurance, 20052005 - 2005 50
Administration bill reviews, H.533 Compensation for certain state employees, 20052005 - 2005 91
Administration bill reviews, H.341 Transient noncommunity public water systems, 20052005 - 2005 57
Administration bill reviews, H.325 Workers' compensation compensability of heart attacks suffered by firefighters and police officers, 2004 - 20052004 - 2005 56
Administration bill reviews, H.314 Agricultural economic development, 20052005 - 2005 55
Administration bill reviews, H.310 Employee ownership of businesses, 20062006 - 2006 54
Administration bill reviews, H.306 Transportation of individuals in the custody of the state, 20062006 - 2006 53
Administration bill reviews, H.526 Regulating animals in the deer family for purposes of disease control, 20052005 - 2005 86
Administration bill reviews, H.294 Groundwater management, 20062006 - 2006 51
Administration bill reviews, H.525 Approval of the charter of the Rutland County Recreation District, 20052005 - 2005 85
Administration bill reviews, H.280 The Patriot's Medal, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 49
Administration bill reviews, H.279 Location of the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 48
Administration bill reviews, H.253 Establishing energy efficiency standards for certain appliances, 20062006 - 2006 47
Administration bill reviews, H.248 Registration of lobbyists, 20062005 - 2005 46
Administration bill reviews, H.655 The towns and gores of Essex County, 20062006 - 2006 113
Administration bill reviews, H.299 Agency fee for teachers and administrators, 20052005 - 2005 52
Administration bill reviews, H.468 The designation of Randall Lineback cattle as a state heritage breed of livestock, 20062006 - 2006 67
Administration bill reviews, H.865 Nondiscrimination, 20062006 - 2006 141
Administration bill reviews, H.864 Capital construction and state bonding, 20062006 - 2006 140
Administration bill reviews, H.862 Home study programs, 20062006 - 2006 139
Administration bill reviews, H.507 Health of Vermont's fish population, 20052005 - 2005 75
Administration bill reviews, H.861 Health care affordability for Vermonters, 20062006 - 2006 138
Administration bill reviews, H.404 Access to mental health and substance abuse providers, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 63
Administration bill reviews, H.445 Installation of after-market material on the front side windows of a motor vehicle, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 64
Administration bill reviews, H.528 Adjustments to the municipal employees' retirement system of Vermont, 20052005 - 2005 87
Administration bill reviews, H.456 Use of Vermont products and nutrition education in schools, 20062006 - 2006 66
Administration bill reviews, H.886 The merger of the town of Williamstown and the Williamstown Fire District, 20062006 - 2006 157
Administration bill reviews, H.479 Vermont entities' compliance with federal law, 20052005 - 2005 68
Administration bill reviews, H.480 Precursor drugs of methamphetamine, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 69
Administration bill reviews, H.491 Notice of a dishonored check by first class mail with an affidavit of service by mailing, 20052005 - 2005 70
Administration bill reviews, H.495 Nondominant and small eligible telecommunications carrier, 20052005 - 2005 71
Administration bill reviews, H.504 Appraisals and education finance, 20052005 - 2005 72
Administration bill reviews, H.505 Amending the charter of the city of Burlington, 20052005 - 2005 73
Administration bill reviews, H.506 Taking wild animals during a period of license suspension, 20052005 - 2005 74
Administration bill reviews, H.447 Sport shooting ranges, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 65
Administration bill reviews, H.384 Medical insurance for seasonal employees of the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 60
Administration bill reviews, H.524 Universal access to health care in Vermont, 20052005 - 2005 84
Administration bill reviews, H.523 States transportation program, 20052005 - 2005 83
Administration bill reviews, H.521 Miscellaneous tax amendments, 20052005 - 2005 82
Administration bill reviews, H.518 Capital construction and state bonding, 20052005 - 2005 81
Administration bill reviews, H.516 Making appropriations for the support of government, 20052005 - 2005 80
Administration bill reviews, H.515 Judicial determinations in juvenile proceedings, 20052005 - 2005 79
Administration bill reviews, H.510 Amending the charter of the city of Barre, 20052005 - 2005 78
Administration bill reviews, H.867 Miscellaneous changes to education law, 20062006 - 2006 142
Administration bill reviews, H.508 Codification and approval of amendments to the charter of the Williamstown Fire District, 20052005 - 2005 76
Administration bill reviews, H.885 Amending the charter of the town of St. Johnsbury, 20062006 - 2006 156
Administration bill reviews, H.394 Board of governors of the unorganized towns and gores of Essex County, 20052005 - 2005 61
Administration bill reviews, H.879 Universal telecommunications service, 20062006 - 2006 150
Administration bill reviews, H.880 Education finance simplification, 20062006 - 2006 151
Administration bill reviews, H.881 Making appropriations for the support of government, 20062006 - 2006 152
Administration bill reviews, H.882 Approval of amendments to the charter of the town of Richmond, 20062006 - 2006 153
Administration bill reviews, H.403 Basic needs budget calculations to determine livable wages, 20052005 - 2005 62
Administration bill reviews, H.869 The state's transportation program, 20062006 - 2006 143
Administration bill reviews, H.618 Services for transitional youth, 20062006 - 2006 110
Administration bill reviews, H.509 Amending the charter of the town of Berlin, 20052005 - 2005 77
Administration bill reviews, H.237 Emergency contraception, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 42
Administration bill reviews, H.187 Municipal authority to enforce against illegal burning of solid waste, 20052005 - 2005 33
Administration bill reviews, H.188 Prohibiting the sale and storage of fuel products containing the additive MTBE, 20052005 - 2005 34
Administration bill reviews, H.191 Military wills and military powers of attourney, 20052005 - 2005 35
Administration bill reviews, H.199 Regulation of professions and occupations, 20052005 - 2005 36
Administration bill reviews, H.198 Gift certificates, 20052005 - 2005 37
Administration bill reviews, H.201 A vacancy on a school board, 20052005 - 2005 38
Administration bill reviews, H.210 Technical tax amendments, 20052005 - 2005 39
Administration bill reviews, H.630 Suicide prevention education in public schools, 20062006 - 2006 112
Administration bill reviews, H.227 Safe staffing and quality patient care, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 41
Administration bill reviews, H.162 Telemarketing transactions, 20052005 - 2005 30
Administration bill reviews, H.884 The Vermont municipal employees' retirement system, 20062006 - 2006 155
Administration bill reviews, H.238 Minimum service retirement allowance for state employees and teachers, 20062006 - 2006 43
Administration bill reviews, H.241 Prohibition of smoking in all public places, 20052005 - 2005 44
Administration bill reviews, H.243 Requiring the installation of carbon monoxide detectors in housing, 20052005 - 2005 45
Administration bill reviews, H.677 A standards board and licensing hearing panels for professional public educators, 20062006 - 2006 115
Administration bill reviews, H.678 The Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities, and Health Care Administration, 20062006 - 2006 116
Administration bill reviews, H.701 Unidentified corridors, 20062006 - 2006 117
Administration bill reviews, H.211 Regulating emissions from diesel-powered commercial motor vehicles, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 40
Administration bill reviews, H.538 Informating parents and students of their rights and responsibilities under state and federal law, 20062006 - 2006 92
Administration bill reviews, H.568 Applicability of an act regarding trustees, 20062006 - 2006 100
Administration bill reviews, H.130 Executive branch fees, 20052005 - 2005 22
Administration bill reviews, H.567 Exemption from CON and HMO requirements for PACE, 20062006 - 2006 99
Administration bill reviews, H.547 Adjustments to the retirement system of state employees and teachers, 20062006 - 2006 98
Administration bill reviews, H.545 Authorizing Vermont Yankee to go before the public service board to seek permission for dry cask storage, 20052005 - 2005 97
Administration bill reviews, H.544 The process for locating and altering municipal lines, 20062006 - 2006 96
Administration bill reviews, H.543 Long term care waiver, 20052005 - 2005 95
Administration bill reviews, H.184 Taking deer damaging crops, 20052005 - 2005 32
Administration bill reviews, H.540 The agricultural and forest land use value program, 20052005 - 2005 93
Administration bill reviews, H.163 Criminal abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults, 20052005 - 2005 31
Administration bill reviews, H.133 Governor's retirement funds integrity report, 20052005 - 2005 23
Administration bill reviews, H.134 Legislative information technology committee, 20052005 - 2005 24
Administration bill reviews, H.135 Extension of the council on education governance and the No Child Left Behind Oversight Committee, 20052005 - 2005 25
Administration bill reviews, H.143 Fiscal year 2005 budget adjustments, 20052005 - 2005 26
Administration bill reviews, H.149 Credit unions, 20052005 - 2005 27
Administration bill reviews, H.150 Insurance fraud, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 28
Administration bill reviews, H.156 Conservation motor vehicle registration plates, 20052005 - 2005 29
Administration bill reviews, Special Session H.1 Vermont State Colleges collective bargaining agreement, 20052005 - 2005 01
Administration bill reviews, H.541 Appointment of a Sergeant Major and a Chief Master Sergeant in the Vermont National Guard, 20052005 - 2005 94
Administration bill reviews, H.602 Agricultural energy and fuel production, 20062006 - 2006 104
Administration bill reviews, H.706 Miscellaneous technical tax amendments, 20062006 - 2006 118
Administration bill reviews, H.97 Operating with a suspended license and failing to pay penalties for traffic offenses, jurisdiction of assistant judges, communications made to persons with limited English proficiency, and disturbing a funeral service, 202005 - 2006 15
Administration bill reviews, H.101 Post-traumatic stress disorder and state police officers, 20062006 - 2006 16
Administration bill reviews, H.109 Economic development, 2005 - 20062005 - 2006 17
Administration bill reviews, H.115 Advance directives for health care, 20052005 - 2005 18
Administration bill reviews, H.117 Allocation of the assets of state retirement systems, 20052005 - 2005 19
Administration bill reviews, H.118 Amending the charter of the city of Burlington, 20052005 - 2005 20
Administration bill reviews, H.86 Shortened property tax redemption period, 20052005 - 2005 13
Administration bill reviews, H.582 Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit and VPHARM, 20062006 - 2006 103
Administration bill reviews, H.128 Securities, 20052005 - 2005 21
Administration bill reviews, H.608 Renewal of a junior operator's license past age 18, 20062006 - 2006 105
Administration bill reviews, H.665 Promoting gourmet food and beverage products by permitting tastings of alcoholic beverages at Vermont Food and Wine events, 20062006 - 2006 114
Administration bill reviews, H.611 Life threatening chronic allergies and illnesses in schools, 20062006 - 2006 106
Administration bill reviews, H.777 Resident ownership of mobile home parks and affordable housing development, 20062006 - 2006 126
Administration bill reviews, H.615 The public records act and application of the deliberative process privilege, 20062006 - 2006 107
Administration bill reviews, H.616 Approval of the charter of the town of Jericho, 20062006 - 2006 108
Administration bill reviews, H.617 Fiscal year 2006 budget adjustments, 20062006 - 2006 109
Administration bill reviews, H.576 A reorganization of the Vermont Department of Labor, 20062006 - 2006 101
Administration bill reviews, H.579 Vermont service medals, 20062006 - 2006 102
Administration bill reviews, H.61 Reduction of education property tax rates, 20052005 - 2005 08
Administration bill reviews, H.627 The special environmental revolving fund, 20062006 - 2006 111
Administration bill reviews, Special Session H.2 Wood products manufacture income tax credit, 20052005 - 2005 02
Administration bill reviews, H.6 Clinical trials for cancer patients, 20052005 - 2005 03
Administration bill reviews, H.12 Municipal regulation of amateur radio antennas, 20062006 - 2006 04
Administration bill reviews, H.28 Establishing guidelines for the use of outdoor lighting, 20062006 - 2006 05
Administration bill reviews, H.710 Organization of supervisory districts, 20062006 - 2006 120
Administration bill reviews, H.33 The uniform mediation act, 20062006 - 2006 06
Administration bill reviews, H.93 Middletown Springs, Ira, Poultney, Tinmouth, and Wells town lines, 20052005 - 2005 14
Administration bill reviews, H.715 The eradication of cervical cancer, 20062006 - 2006 121
Administration bill reviews, H.708 A process by which junkyards shall be regulated by the secretary of natural resources instead of the Agency of Transportation, 20062006 - 2006 119
Administration bill reviews, H.71 Unemployment compensation contribution rate munipulation, 20052005 - 2005 09
Administration bill reviews, H.717 Direct sellers and unemployment insurance, 20062006 - 2006 122
Administration bill reviews, H.766 Strict foreclosure, 20062006 - 2006 123
Administration bill reviews, H.774 The Vermont Economic Development Authority, 20062006 - 2006 124
Administration bill reviews, H.702 Executive branch fees, 20062006 - 2006 125
Administration bill reviews, H.72 Unlawful employment practices, 20052005 - 2005 10
Administration bill reviews, H.79 Motor vehicle insurance and underinsured motor vehicles, 20052005 - 2005 11
Administration bill reviews, H.81 Operation of a vessel used for towing persons on water skis, 20062006 - 2006 12
Administration bill reviews, H.48 Wine auctions by nonprofit organizations, 20052005 - 2005 07
Administration bill reviews, H.891 The Vermont web portal, 20062006 - 2006 160
Administration bill reviews, H.883 Amending the charter of the city of Burlington, 20062006 - 2006 154
Administration bill reviews, H.895 Catamount Health, 20062006 - 2006 163
Administration bill reviews, H.892 Amending the charter of the town of Windsor, 20062006 - 2006 161
Administration bill reviews, H.890 Emergency management and public safety, 20062006 - 2006 159
Administration bill reviews, H.887 Group D participation in the state employees' defined contribution plan, 20062006 - 2006 158
Administration bill reviews, H.877 Funding of regional technical center school districts, 20062006 - 2006 149
Administration bill reviews, H.791 Allocation of funds from the solid waste management assistance account of the waste management assistance fund to the environmental contingency fund, 20062006 - 2006 127
Administration bill reviews, H.794 Military service and professional regulation, 20062006 - 2006 128
Administration bill reviews, H.856 Enhancing sentences for and preventing risks posed by dangerous sexual offenders, 20062006 - 2006 135
Administration bill reviews, H.893 Extending pharmacy coverage due to Medicare Part D problems, 20062006 - 2006 162
Administration bill reviews, H.817 Stormwater management, 20062006 - 2006 129
Administration bill reviews, H.859 The energy security and reliability act, 20062006 - 2006 136
Administration bill reviews, H.860 To Vermont's participation in the regional greenhouse gas initiative, 20062006 - 2006 137
Administration bill reviews, H.855 Telecommunications capacity development, 20062006 - 2006 134
Administration bill reviews, H.853 Technical amendments to the Vermont statutes annotated related to the restructuring of the Agency of Human Services, 20062006 - 2006 133
Administration bill reviews, H.851 Extending VPHARM coverage for individuals eligible for Medicare Part D, 20062006 - 2006 132
Administration bill reviews, H.845 Cable television tariff requirements, 20062006 - 2006 131
Administration bill reviews, H.843 Miscellaneous tax policy amendments, 20062006 - 2006 130

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