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Public Records

Although Vermont courts have recognized a common law right of access to public documents since 1906, our Public Records Act (PRA) was originally a product of the 1976 session of the General Assembly, adopted in the wake of the Watergate scandal. The law intends to provide for free and open examination of state and municipal government records, promoting transparency, accountability, and better decision-making in government while recognizing certain rights of individuals to privacy in their personal and economic pursuits.

The PRA requires public agencies to make public records available for inspection and copying upon request, unless a specific statute exempts a record, or part of a record, from disclosure. The law sets forth the timeframe and procedures for complying with a public records request, and it authorizes any aggrieved person to challenge the denial of a records request in court. The Vermont Supreme Court has been clear that this law will be construed liberally, in favor of the right to access public documents, and that the identity or motive of the requester is irrelevant in deciding whether to provide or withhold these documents.

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Municipal Division

Jenny R. Prosser

General Counsel & Director


Records Officer

Jenny Prosser, General Counsel

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