Elections > Lobbying



IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Vermont Lobbying Information System is changing!

We are excited to announce the launch of a new Lobbying Information System on January 2, 2025. The system will have a new, intuitive design to offer an improved user experience, while providing the same core functionality as the previous system. Users will access the new system from the same link as they do now. The new system is a fresh start for the 2025-26 biennium—no data from the previous system will be migrated. We ask that filers complete their January 15, 2025 final report for the biennium as soon as possible. The legacy system will remain available for a limited time into 2025, but only for filers to complete the final report of the 2023-24 biennium. Please look for more communications with detailed registration instructions and information about in-person and virtual trainings.


All registrations and periodic disclosure filings for lobbying activity must be filed through the online filing system.

For detailed information regarding compliance with the lobbying law please reference our Guide to Vermont’s Lobbying Registration and Disclosure Law.

To view Pictures/Profiles for all registered lobbyists in the 2023-24 biennium, download the 2023-24 Registered Lobbyist Photobook from our Lobbying Information System.

To access detailed disclosure information, please use our Searchable Online Lobbying Disclosure Database.

The Vermont lobbying law defines lobbying as follows:

(A) to communicate orally or in writing with any legislator or administrative official for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action;

(B) solicitation of others to influence legislative or administrative action;

(C) an attempt to obtain the goodwill of a legislator or administrative official by communications or activities with that legislator or administrative official intended ultimately to influence legislative or administrative action; or

(D) activities sponsored by an employer or lobbyist on behalf of or for the benefit of the members of an interest group, if a principal purpose of the activity is to enable such members to communicate orally with one or more legislators or administrative officials for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action or to obtain their goodwill. - 2 V.S.A. § 261(9).



Vermont’s registration period is two years, coinciding with the legislative biennium. Each biennium, all lobbyists are required to register with the Office of the Secretary of State within 48 hours of commencing lobbying activities.

All registrations must be submitted using the online filing system.

Please note that when a lobbyist submits his or her registration and lists the employers that have engaged their services, those employers must also file their own separate registration and list any lobbyists that they have engaged. A lobbyist listing an employer on their registration does not accomplish registration for that employer.

In the same way, when a lobbyist employer submits his or her registration and lists the lobbyists that employer has engaged, those lobbyists must also file their own separate registration and list any employers they are currently lobbying for. A lobbyist employer listing a lobbyist on their registration does not accomplish registration for that lobbyist.

We encourage lobbyists and their employers to communicate during the registration process to ensure that the necessary registrations have been filed for both the employer and the lobbyist. Failure to do so will subject the relevant entity to late registration fees.



Disclosure reports for lobbyists, lobbyist employers, and lobbying firms are due seven (7) times per year:

  • January 15 (covers period of Sept 1 – December 31)
  • February 15 (covers period of Jan 1 – January 31)
  • March 15 (covers period of Feb 1 – last day of February)
  • April 15 (covers period of March 1 – March 31)
  • May 15 (covers period of April 1 – April 30)
  • June 15 (covers period of May 1 -- May 31)
  • September 15 (covers period of June 1 – August 31)

All disclosures must be submitted using the online filing system.

Please note that when a lobbyist submits his or her disclosure and lists the employers that have engaged their services during the period, those employers must also file their own separate disclosure and list any lobbyists that they have engaged during the period. A lobbyist listing an employer on their disclosure does not accomplish disclosure for that employer.

In the same way, when a lobbyist employer submits his or her disclosure and lists the lobbyists that employer has engaged during the period, those lobbyists must also file their own separate disclosure and list any employers they lobbied for during the period. A lobbyist employer listing a lobbyist on their disclosure does not accomplish disclosure for that lobbyist.

We encourage lobbyists and their employers to communicate during the disclosure process to ensure that the necessary disclosures have been filed for both the employer and the lobbyist. Failure to do so will subject the relevant entity to late disclosure fees.


Access to Registration and Disclosure Information

Registration and disclosure information for all bienniums starting in 2015-2016 may be found in our Lobbyist Information System.

If you have further questions, please contact the Elections Division by email or call 802-828-0771.

Contact Information

Elections Division

128 State Street

Montpelier, VT 05633

Office Hours:

7:45 to 4:30, Monday - Friday

(Except Holidays)


Contact the Elections Division

Seán Sheehan, Director

Visit the Calendar Page: