Corporations > Renewals & Updates > Reports & Renewals > Annual/Biennial Reports

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Annual/Biennial Report Filing

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To determine a business’s fiscal year end, search for the business online.


Annual Reports

Profit Corporations & Limited Liability Companies (LLC/PLC/L3C)

As a profit corporation, profit cooperative corporation, or a limited liability company (LLC/PLC/L3C), you must renew your business registration each fiscal year by filing an annual report within the first two and a half months (Profit Corps.) or three months (LLC/PLC/L3C) following the fiscal year end on record.

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) & Mutual Benefit Enterprises (MBE)

As a limited liability partnerships (LLP) or a mutual benefit enterprises (MBE), you must renew your business registration each calendar year after initial registration by filing an annual report  between January 1 and April 1 (regardless of fiscal year end).

Online Annual Report Filing

  1. Log into our Online Business Service Center
    • Returning customers, please use your existing User ID and Password
    • First-time filers, please Create a user account
  2. Select File your Annual/Biennial Report from the main menu (left side of page)
  3. Follow prompts to confirm, update, or enter all required information

All filings must be completed online. To pay by paper check, select I Want to Print & Mail With Check at the bottom of the eCheck payment screen.


Biennial Reports

As a nonprofit corporation or a nonprofit cooperative corporation you must renew your nonprofit registration every two years, beginning the first year following initial registration, by filing a biennial report between January 1 and April 1.

Biennial Report Filing

You may now file your annual report online in a few easy steps:

  1. Log into our Online Business Service Center.
    • Returning customers, please use your existing User ID and Password
    • First-time filers, please Create a user account
  2. Select File your Annual/Biennial Report from the main menu (left side of page)
  3. Follow prompts to confirm, update, or enter all required information

All filings must be completed online. To pay by paper check, select I Want to Print & Mail With Check at the bottom of the eCheck payment screen.

A business entity registered with the state of Vermont must maintain good standing for as long as it does business in Vermont. This is accomplished by filing a regular information statement called an Annual or Biennial Report.

Contact Information

Business Services Division

128 State Street

Montpelier, VT 05633


888-647-4582 (toll free)

Contact Us


7:45 AM to 4:30 PM

Monday - Friday (except holidays)

David P. Hall, Director

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