Corporations > Copies & Certificates > Plain Copies

Plain Copies

To prevent possible delays, please verify your business name and business ID using our Online Business Search before submitting a document request.

  1. Find the business using our Business Search Tool
  2. Select Filing History from bottom of Business Information page.
  3. Click on link to document under Document Type on Filing History page.


Where documents are not available through the above process, please submit the request form below:


Documents issued by the Office of the Secretary of State are not available for copies. Click for a complete lists of available filings.


Please do not submit a document request if you simply need to verify basic business information. This can be done using our Online Business Search tool.

Contact Information

Business Services Division

128 State Street

Montpelier, VT 05633


888-647-4582 (toll free)

Contact Us

Hours & Appointment Booking

7:45 AM to 4:30 PM

Monday - Friday (except holidays)

Evening appointments available:

Click Here to Schedule

David P. Hall, Director

Visit the Calendar Page: