Secretary of State Services > APA/Rules > APA Forms

Forms for Submitting Administrative Rules

APA filing forms are provided by the Office of the Secretary of State for the express purpose of filing administrative rules governed by Title 3 V.S.A. Chapter 25. The forms are available for download in Microsoft Word format.  Please note that some fields have a maximum character length.

Portions of Act 156 of 2018 went into effect July 1, 2018, making changes to the filing requirements for Administrative Rules.

Additional new information required for filings include:

  1. An analysis of economic impact
  2. An analysis of environmental impact
  3. A proposed schedule for completing the requirements of Title 3 Chapter 25.
  4. A statement describing how the rule is within the authority of the agency
  5. An explanation of why the proposed rule is NOT arbitrary
  6. The strategy for maximizing public input prescribed by ICAR and the actions taken by the agency demonstrating compliance with that strategy.
  7. A statement explaining the sufficiency of the economic impact analysis
  8. A statement explaining the sufficiency of the environmental impact analysis

Please ensure that, when filing, the most recent forms dated January 10, 2023 are used. Previously published forms may not be accepted.


Note: Not all forms are required for each filing. Please remove any unused forms from filings before submission.

Contact Information

Secretary of State Services

128 State Street

Montpelier, VT 05633


Contact the Secretary

Sarah Copeland Hanzas, Secretary of State

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